The climate needs bright minds. The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) addresses crucial scientific questions in the fields of global change, climate impacts and sustainable development. It is one of the world's leading research institutions in its field and offers natural and social scientists from around the world an inspiring environment for excellent interdisciplinary research.
(Position number: 03-2025 Postdoc Transform)
Key responsibilities:
A sketch of the larger architecture for linking tax clubs and reward funds can be found here. Note that candidates are in no way expected to read this background material for the application. We provide the link here so that potential applicants with skepticism toward the usefulness of the projects can read more if they wish. In that spirit, here is a more detailed case for how the work could be useful
Please apply by 12 February 2025 directly via our application form below this job advertisement on our website. The application process remains open until the position is filled.
ID: 191049