
Offre 261 sur 425 du 27/08/2024, 10:25


Insti­tut für Kli­ma­fol­gen­for­schung - Science

The climate needs bright minds. The Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK) addresses crucial scientific questions in the fields of global change, climate impacts and sustainable development. It is one of the world's leading research institutions in its field and offers natural and social scientists from around the world an inspiring environment for excellent interdisciplinary research.

Student assistant (m/w/d)


(Position number: 48-2024 SHK Land Use)

Working field:

We are an interdisciplinary team working with and developing two models: on the one hand the global land-use model MAgPIE and on the other hand the biophysical vegeta-tion model LPJmL. We concentrate on topics like the global (climate) change in relation to agriculture, water scarcity, agricultural emissions, poverty and much more.

Key responsibilities:

  • Processing of climate, agricultural, economic or other data to derive input or evalua-tion datasets for the models LPJmL or MAgPIE using programming languages such as R or Phyton
  • Contributing to model analysis toolboxes for LPJmL and MAgPIE using the program-ming languages R or Python
  • Providing literature-based resumes to various topics relevant for land-use research
  • Assistance for presentations and organisational support


Your profile:
You are at the beginning of your master studies in the fields mathematics, economics, agricultural economics, geoecology or another related topic and are interested in studying impacts of land-use and land-use change.

What we offer:

We offer:

  • the chance to be part of a creative, interdisciplinary team,
  • a stimulating working environment in an internationally recognised research insti-tute on Potsdam's beautiful, historic Telegrafenberg campus, a short commuting dis-tance from Berlin,
  • flexi-time and mobile working,
  • a collective pay scheme and associated benefits as well as a subsidized travel card or Deutschland-Ticket Job.

How to apply:

Please apply by 20.09.2024 directly using our application form below this job advertise-ment on our website. The application process remains open until the position is filled.