
Offre 112 sur 350 du 11/10/2024, 10:47


Tech­ni­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Chem­nitz - Professur Regelungstechnik und Systemdynamik

Chem­nitz Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy is a cos­mo­po­li­tan uni­ver­sity with strong regio­nal, natio­nal and inter­na­tio­nal net­works. It is home to about 2,300 aca­de­mic and admi­nis­tra­tive employees as well as more than 9,600 stu­dents from about 90 coun­tries. It is thus the third lar­gest uni­ver­sity in Sax­ony. In terms of the pro­por­tion of for­eign stu­dents, Chem­nitz Uni­ver­sity of Tech­no­logy occu­pies a top posi­tion among state uni­ver­si­ties nati­on­wide.

The rese­arch in the lab of Pro­fes­sor­ship Auto­ma­tic Con­trol and Sys­tem Dyna­mics focu­ses on deve­lop­ment of con­trol theo­re­tic methods in the fol­lo­wing areas:

  • opti­mal and lear­ning-based con­trol for non­linear sys­tems,
  • ana­ly­sis of uncer­tain, dyna­mi­cal sys­tems using set-based methods,
  • hier­ar­chi­cal, opti­mal and fault-tole­rant con­trol,
  • for­mal veri­fi­ca­tion of con­trol sys­tems.

The rese­arch in the lab has a strong focus on con­trol­ler deve­lop­ment for the full cycle star­ting from sys­tem model­ling to the end app­li­ca­tion. The par­ti­cu­lar topics also include advan­ced tech­ni­ques of data ana­ly­sis and clas­si­fi­ca­tion along with model uncer­tainty assess­ment. Spe­cial atten­tion is paid to com­plex and hier­ar­chi­cal sys­tems, where con­sis­tency bet­ween con­trol and sub­rou­ti­nes for dif­fe­rent sys­tem lay­ers is of par­ti­cu­lar inte­rest. Con­crete con­trol methods in turn include model pre­dic­tive con­trol, rein­force­ment lear­ning, adap­tive dyna­mic pro­gramming and other opti­mal con­trol methods, with a spe­cial focus on lear­ning aspects. Mathe­ma­ti­cal pro­ofs and ana­ly­sis of e.g. robust­ness pro­per­ties of con­trol methods in the pre­sence of uncer­tain­ties is a part of vir­tually every new con­trol method deve­lo­ped in the lab. We also try to bridge the gap bet­ween theory and com­pu­ter imple­men­ta­tion by expli­citly dealing with com­pu­ta­tio­nal uncer­tainty rela­ted to the imper­fec­tions of con­trol­ler imple­men­ta­tion in digi­tal and ana­log devices. For this sake, the lab works on a variety of mathe­ma­ti­cal methods which expli­citly incor­po­rate the said uncer­tainty and sub­se­quently aim at deve­lo­ping a basis of for­mally cor­rect and auto­ma­ted con­trol­ler extrac­tion.

Research Associate (m/w/d) in the Field of Energy Management of Fuel Cell Systems


starting initially for one year (100 %, salary group 13 TV-L)

Working field:

As a versatile energy carrier, hydrogen plays a key role in the energy transition and climate protection efforts. In mobile, fuel cell-powered applications, especially in commercial and agricultural vehicles, an energy management system is required to efficiently manage the energy flow from the battery and fuel cell. In the research project with industrial and academic partners, an optimal energy management system is to be developed. Tasks include:

  • modeling and analysis of energy flows in mobile fuel cell systems
  • development and implementation of a model-based optimal control of energy flows to enhance the overall system efficiency and lifespan of the fuel cell system
  • in cooperation with other scientists: Optimizations of the process by means of optimal control methods
  • publications in international scientific journals and presentations at international conferences
  • carrying out internal professorship tasks as well as the supervision of students in the project


  • completed scientific university degree in the field of engineering, applied mathematics or comparable disciplines, which opens access to the corresponding qualification level
  • basic experience in the development and analysis of physical models and the implementation of optimization and control algorithms
  • advantageous are: good programming skills
  • very good command of written and spoken English

What we offer:

  • exciting, challenging and varying tasks in an interdisciplinary team
  • the possibility of obtaining a PhD (Dr.-Ing.) degree
  • the possibility to work on further and versatile research topics of the chair
  • modern office and laboratory equipment
  • an experienced and committed team in a family-oriented and collegial working environment

How to apply:

If you have any questions regarding the advertised position, please contact Prof. Stefan Streif (see email address below). Informative applications should be sent electronically (preferably only one PDF file) under the keyword "241031_RAHD" with the usual documents until 4 Wochen to the following address:

Technische Universität Chemnitz, Professur Regelungstechnik und Systemdynamik, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Stefan, Streif, 09107 Chemnitz,