
Offer 226 out of 319 from 18/02/25, 11:44


AIFS Abroad - Berlin Office

Since 1964, AIFS has pro­vi­ded stu­dents with chal­len­ging edu­ca­tio­nal pro­grams in cul­tu­rally diverse loca­ti­ons around the world. Our par­ti­ci­pants gain inde­pen­dence and valu­able expe­ri­ence by immer­sing in the art, history, and busi­ness envi­ron­ment of a cul­ture dif­fe­rent from their own.  The result is a more inter­con­nec­ted and peace­ful world for future genera­ti­ons.
In Ber­lin, we wel­come US stu­dents year-round to study at local uni­ver­si­ties, to par­ti­ci­pate in a variety of internships or in tra­vel-pro­grams with dif­fe­rent the­mes.

Student Services Coordinator

still vacant

AIFS Abroad has a vacancy for a Student Services Coordinator in Berlin. Your job will be to assist US undergraduate college students and their professors as they live and learn on study abroad programs.

Working field:

The AIFS Abroad Student Services Coordinator will assist the AIFS Abroad Berlin Director to successfully plan, prepare and deliver the AIFS Study Abroad and AIFS Intern programs in Berlin, including course registration, housing, pastoral care, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities and liaison with local academic institutions. The Student Services Coordinator will also be involved in the preparation and delivery of CFL programs in Berlin.


  • To participate in a team of on-site student and academic services staff to deliver information services, a cultural program, counselling/advice and housing services to visiting US students.
  • To be available to handle specific personal problems and concerns of individual students as they arise and to assist any medical issues including doctor’s appointments/hospitalization.
  • To manage the emergency cell phone and be available outside normal office hours to deal with emergencies as part of a team.
  • Under the supervision of the Berlin Director, assist in the planning of upcoming AIFS program – booking guides, coaches, organizing fieldtrips, housing, classrooms and other program components as required.
  • To visit campus on a pre-determined basis to facilitate communication between relevant on-campus offices (Study Abroad, Housing, Faculty departments) and AIFS.
  • To assist in all aspects of student housing and responding promptly to any housing issues.
  • Manage and promote social media content/awareness.
  • Occasional evening duties (cultural events, welcome receptions, extended office hours). This will require working extended hours via a flexi-time arrangement.
  • To act as tour manager on occasional program tours in Europe.


  • Good interpersonal skills and a confident and helpful manner to relate to U.S. American faculty and students in a customer service role.
  • A degree or equivalent, .
  • Comprehensive knowledge of Berlin, it’s cultural and historical significance.
  • Strong communication and writing skills in both English and German.
  • Numeracy and ability to maintain records of expenditure.
  • Competent in the use of social media such as Instagram, LinkedIn, etc.
  • Proficient using Microsoft Office.
  • Pride in work; flexibility; ability to work as part of a team, to be able to prioritise and meet deadlines.
  • Good organisational and administrative skills.

What we offer:

Candidates should note that this is not a 9-5 position; because of the nature of the position the ability to work flexible hours – including weekends - on occasion, are essential requirements. We are currently recruiting for a fixed-term contract as below, with the option to extend.
Flexible start date from April 1, 2025, contract ends September 15, 2025.

  • Part-time position (20 hours) on a flexible schedule.
  • Berlin AB public transport ticket or Deutschlandticket-Job, subject to availability.
  • Centrally located office (Berlin-Mitte, near S+U Friedrichstr.)

How to apply:

Please send a current CV and cover letter detailing why you are suitable for the role to The application deadline is Monday, March 3, 2025, interviews will be held starting March 10 or earlier, please apply at your earliest convenience.