Stellenticket Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin



For a better overview, offers are displayed in two separate lists. In the first list you find offers by companies, state agencies, associations etc., in the second list you find offers by universities and research institutes.


Offers by companies, state agencies, associations, ...

Offers by universities and research institutes

View as:
Offers 1 to 10 out of 261 found

150591Generalsekretär*in (jeglichen Geschlechts) für die Europäische Universitätsallianz „European Universities Linking ...
190584Junior Professorship (W1 with Tenure Track W2) for ‘Economics of Agricultural Landscapes’
189884PhD Researcher in Computational Population Genetics (m/f/d)
188882Postdoctoral researcher (m/f/d) in the area of writing systems and language change
188885Postdoctoral researcher (m/f/d) in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Historical Linguistics
189612Postdoctoral position on “The Evolutionary Dynamics of Multilingualism” (m/f/d)
190561Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit im Rahmen des Projektes TEN.efzn
190557Studentische Beschäftigung mit 40 Monatsstunden (Reference number I-SB-0054-2024)
190558Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit im Rahmen des Projektes ProSaDi
190552Wissenschaftliche Mitarbeit im Projekt Modellierung überfachlicher Wissenschaftskommunikationskompetenz

Permanent recruiters

Here you find profiles of companies, which are constantly searching for new employees. Speculative applications and taking a look at the job portal of the respective company are worthwhile. For example these companies are searching currently: